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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Update 2.7

Kailey feels her moms growing belly.  Both twins are pretty excited about having a new sibling.

Argus returns from his hunting trip.  Viola is overjoyed and a bit relieved to have him home.

Argus is excited about being a father.  Viola asks him if he would be ready to move in and his answer is an resounding "absolutely!"

Argus gives a listen to his girlfriends growing belly.  Maybe his heightened werewolf hearing can give him a chance to hear more of the baby than anyone else.

Argus and Viola began discussing birthing their baby at home.  Since Argus is a doctor he is more than comfortable in assisting Viola through her labor and delivery.

It is moving day, though Argus came with the minimal stuff.  Guess he wanted to let his roommates have it since Viola's house has pretty much everything.

Argus provides Viola with a much needed prenatal massage.  He is very much willing to buy her time at the spa but she enjoys his back rubs.

Kesler is off in fantasy land ruling over his subjects and consulting with his knights of the kitchen table.

Cowgirl Kailey enjoys the Rock and Ride that Argus bought.

Earlier in the day Viola felt the pains of pre-labor.  By mid-afternoon she laid down for a nap until full labor kick her into high gear.

At the end of the day Viola and Argus welcomed baby boy Ripley, a vampire baby.

Proud papa wolf with the new bundle of joy.  He was hoping for another member of the pack, but loves the little guy none the less.

Time is speeding on much too fast for Viola's liking.  Kailey and Kesler celebrated another birthday.

Look who is a spitting image of her mother.  That's third generation gorgeous right there.

Kesler got some virtual reality goggles.  Hang ten dude!

Viola and Argus bought both Kailey and Kesler their very own Priuses.  Viola presented them with their keys wrapped in a cute little box.

Viola began teaching Kailey first, as she had more of an interest in learning how to drive after their birthday.  Viola had a mechanic check for sticky acceleration pedals before she let the twins behind the wheel.

Argus picked up a chem station for the garage.  First attempt at discovery and got a successful ghost potion.

Kesler took to beekeeping with success most of the time.  His bees like him for the most part.

When not caring for the bees Kesler spends his time painting.  He is not a loner but he enjoys spending time away from everyone; still in his own world probably.  Viola is relieved that he is still not showing any signs of evil.


  1. aww Argus is such a good guy!!! And a proud daddy. Thank goodness it was a vamp baby and not a ghost baby! I was so worried.

    The twins aged up nicely. Can't wait to see who will be the next gen.

    So...when will Argus be popping the question???? (can you tell I like him)

    1. I love Argus! <3 He is seriously my favorite guy in this whole game so far. I want to play him all the way through his elderhood :( Guess it is up to voters though. Question popping should be coming soon, they are just too in love with each other. Viola needs to take that fake wedding ring off first.

  2. Congrats on the birth of little Ripley. The twins grew up nicely and Kailey does look like her Mom. Cars for each of them, make sure they drive safe and sober at all times. HA! HA!

    Hope you're having a great day, Jenn!


    1. Thank you! Yeah, they are not so much like Viola where they don't even make it to the car and have completed their driving skill. Viola is such a good mom taking time to teach them both to drive.
