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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update 1.5

*There was originally a husband poll before this entry, but since this is just a transfer I'm leaving it out.*

Vivienne and William sent their wedding announcements out after the celebrating their epic wedding and reception.

Vivienne had been all set to marry Alexy, though she had to wait while he and his wife got a divorce.  In the meantime Claude had his childhood birthday.  Vivienne managed to get Ned to come.

Claude was hopeful that his dad coming around for his birthday meant that he would be coming around more often.  He hoped they could go see a movie together.

Much to Claude's dismay, Ned told him that he wouldn't be coming around anymore.  Claude held on to Cuddles as Ned walked out of the apartment and out of Claude's life.

Vivienne was surprised when William asked her to move in with him.  She was hugely pregnant and waiting on Alexy, though tabloids were reporting that he was in marriage counselling with his wife.  Vivienne took William up on his offer. 

Claude is catching the bus on his first day of school!

 Vivienne was shocked when William popped the question.  She was so ecstatic in the moment that she complete forgot about Alexy and accepted the proposal.

Vivienne never fancied herself as the maternal type but after buying a house and settling in she seemed to get in the swing of her mothering instincts.

William rushed Vivienne to the hospital when she went into labor.  Alexy met them there and both men stayed for the birth of the baby.

Vivienne had a baby girl she named Orabella Fresco.

 Orabella was a pretty lucky baby.  She was essentially born with two fathers.  She might not think she is so lucky when she starts to date. 
Vivienne took some time off to spend with her children.  In her younger years she always went out for food.  Now she is learning to grocery shop with a baby in tow.

She is also working on learning how to cook.  Score so far... Vivienne- 1, Stove- 7.

Claude's mood is getting increasingly worse, so Viola finds herself with more time alone and making believe for fun.

Having a house and three kids, Vivienne and William spend their "bachelor" and "bachelorette" parties only with each other; participating in some raunchy pillow fighter after the kids were sleeping. 

In an attempt to fool the paparazzi, Vivienne and William threw a pool party and surprised the guest with their wedding!

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