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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update 1.2

Vivienne found herself with unexpected pregnancy number two.  She knows she shouldn't stray from the safety of her own bed, but the thrill of woohoo in different places is too hard to pass up.  Unfortunately, a little too much hard partying left her guessing who the daddy is this time.

She had been calling the handy man for months to come fix the "broken" things in her apartment and she finally talked him into a steamy shower.  He could be the father.

The other possibility is Beau Merrick.  They were now officially friends with benefits.  He had been her first friend in Bridgeport.  They had gotten really smashed at one of his parties and she vaguely remembers getting hot and heavy in the elevator when he took her down to the cab.  He could be possible baby daddy number two.

 Vivienne intended to invite William over to celebrate Viola's birthday, but she didn't want him to know she was pregnant.  She had been fooling around with him too, though she knew it wasn't his.  She just didn't want to explain that it wasn't his either.  Not that there relationship was official, but Vivienne didn't know if he would get possessive or jealous.  So for that day it was just Vivienne and her birthday girl.

Vivienne didn't have much to spend but she did buy Viola a xylophone to play with while she played bass.  William sent over a peg box.  After discovering the new toys Viola went for the peg box.
It looks like Viola inherited many of her father's physical traits but has her mother's eyes.

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