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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Update 1.11

Zephne grew up into a child.  Man, she has some severe cheekbones.  She can thank William for that.  Hopefully as she grows she will look less severe. 

 Vivienne is getting quite good at cooking and no longer burns the food... most of the time.

Zephne's favorite thing to do in the morning is to mimic Claude's every move to see how fast she can make him mad.

 After the kiddos are off to school Viola and Vivienne sit to have a chat over breakfast.  They just have some idle chit chat.

 Vivienne checks on her diner about once a week.  She has no interest in actually working there and has hired people to take care of the day to day operations.  She just does some general check-ins and collects her money.

 Claude has friend Sherri over for homework.  While he harbors a grudge against vampires, he is not opposed to other types of Sims.  Sherri is human but she definitely has some old fairy blood in her, though she doesn't really know since she is adopted.

 While Claude and Sherri did homework Orabella sneaked behind Viola and scared her for kicks.

 An instictually reaction to the fright made Viola use intimidation back on Orabella (Orabella thought that was quite entertaining by the way).

 Claude was set off and attacked Viola's behavior.  He said some mean things and ruined their friendship.

 William earned his final promotion at work and reached the top of his career.  He was excited to share that he has reached his life-time wish of being a DNA profiler.  Vivienne was very thrilled for him.

 Viola was a little off schedule at first but she eventually adjusted to night living.  As a young adult she wanted to be carefree for awhile and visited lounges and clubs.  At the Banzai Lounge she bumped into Cliff and they reconnected.

 She went back to his place with him and ended up skinny dipping in his hot tub.  A combination of the steam and her thirst made Viola lose her head a bit and she had quite the make out with Cliff.

 Viola became a little obsessed with Cliff and convinced him to let her feed.  She claimed him as her human.

 Viola lost track of the amount of time she spent at the Rake house.  On impulse Viola took her claim a step further and turned Cliff.

Viola and Cliff became blissfully unaware of their surroundings; only paying heed to their natural instinct to be wrapped up in each other.

 Meanwhile, Vivienne went into labor for her 5th baby.  William rushed her off to the hospital.

 Vivienne and William welcome another human child, a girl they named Ginevra.

 William had decided back before Vivienne got pregnant that he was going to offer to turn her.  When she announced her news he knew he was going to have to wait.  After Ginevra was born William made the offer to Vivienne and she accepted.

 Vivienne didn't throw Claude a birthday party because of his rotten behavior all the time.  She did buy him a cake since he managed to pull his grades up out of the crapper and age up well.

The first thing Claude did as a young adult was join the ranks at the East Tradewinds Co.  His boss was vampire Bellisama Striker.  He would have to bide his time and take her out when the moment was right.

 Time had gone by and Vivienne made her final transformation to vampire.

 She is a stunning vampire.

 Viola and Claude graduated.  Viola was honored with being valedictorian.  She was voted Most Popular by her class.  Claude was voted Most Likely to be a Rock Star.  He was a little annoyed his classmates were so dumb.

 In an attempt to get back to how she and Claude used to be Viola also got a job at the East Tradewinds Co.  Erika Slayer took her under her wing.

 Viola went out to celebrate at Waylon's Haunt.  Her boot caught in a floor board and she tripped.  A hand reached out for hers and she was mesmerizer when she looked up into Kelvin Talon's eyes.
 The music was loud so they spent some time whispering back and forth.  She knew him a bit from school but he was only an acquaintance back then.

 After getting some drinks they took to the dance floor and danced until the sun came up.

Back home, Viola helped the family celebrate Ginevra's birthday.  Usually Vivienne hold's the kids but Viola was happy to help out.

Update 1.10

 Things aren't going so well for Viola and Kurt.  She's wanting to get closer but he seems to be brushing off all of her romantic advances.  He still did call and ask her to Prom.

 Claude is spending more time and any time he can away from home.  It doesn't matter where he is as long as he isn't home.

 As he gets further along in his teenage year he is become less able to control his temper.  It will never be his intention to take out his own step-father, but he manages to yell and fight with him.

 Of course, this pisses off Vivienne and she grounds Claude again even though that doesn't seem to be working.  One thing that has managed to get through is her threat of military school.

 Vivienne has allowed for Alexy to see Orabella again, but only because his wife is normal and keeps him in line.  Orabella invites her half brother over to play after school a lot.

 Viola got ready to attend another prom.  This time she had a date.  Claude decided not to go since he didn't have a date, or at least that is what they thought.  He ended up sneaking in and pulling the biggest prank the school saw without getting caught.

 Vivienne threw a huge party for Orabella's teen birthday.  As Orabella blew out her candles she wished to find her fame as an illustrious author.

 Orabella set out to scare some unsuspecting party guests including her father.

 Oh Orabella, you are so pretty except the unfortunate nose you inherited from your father.  Just because she is seeking out a tame career in writing books doesn't mean she won't be up to trouble.  That, and she has a mind to make the horror genre her specialty.

 Orabella sets out to became a better painter so she can illustrate her own books.

 Vivienne takes some time to teach Zephne how to walk.  Vivienne is attentive to Zephne's needs and it is almost as if she is an only child because of the age gap between her and her older siblings.

 Whoops!  Surprise!  Vivienne is pregnant again.  That is what William and she gets for walking around half dressed all the time and woohooing like bunnies.

 The family quietly celebrates Zephne's birthday into childhood.  Even this extreme morning sickness Vivienne managed to finish teach Zephne how to walk and talk and finished potty training.  She grew up well but they noticed she was acting a little insane afterword.

Vivienne's oldest child makes her way into adulthood.

Update 1.9

 Claude was extremely happy his newest sibling was not cursed with the sins of her father.  Since she had a lack of vampirism he was more inclined to help out when needed.

 Vivienne worked up the courage to finally quit her job.  She had new plans in mind to bring in some money.

 Viola's relationship with Cliff was going nowhere and she found out he was getting serious with some other girl so she moved on.  One time while she was at a movie she bumped into classmate Kurt Round.  After getting to talking they realized they both shared an interest in stealing.  Since she was a klepto, Viola figured stealing boyfriends was appropriate and asked Kurt to break up with Shameka Hemlock.

 Viola had her first kiss with Kurt; the hustle and bustle of the busy city as their soundtrack.

 Shameka did not take kindly to Viola's boyfriend stealing and started to snub her at school.  Shameka also started a rumor about Viola.  In return, Viola sneaked over to the Hemlock place and pelted with eggs, even hitting Shameka when she had come out to see what the commotion was.

 William painted a lovely portrait of Vivienne.

 Vivienne and William often took small moments to sweep each other off their feet.  They are still as passionate and in love as the first day they met (William walking around in his underwear all the time probably helps).

 Viola and Kurt started going out frequently, though their relationship is far from perfect.  They tend to argue about everything.  Viola even scolds Kurt about proper eating technique for chicken wings.

 Vivienne's financial plan was coming together.  After acquiring a couple of financial backers she bought the diner.  She renovated and renamed the place Vivi's Portside Diner and opened for business.

 It was time for Zephne to become a toddler.  Vivienne had spent as much time as she could with her youngest going on strolls and playing and snuggling.

 Zephne is a very unique toddler.  She definitely inherited William facial structure but she has Vivienne's eye color, hair color, and skin tone.  (I sort of wonder if she is going to have ugly duckling syndrome.)

 Viola and Orabella get started on their homework without their brother, who has disappeared for the night.

 Thinking everyone had gone to bed Claude sneaks back into the house after curfew.  He is surprised by Vivienne and she lays into him about his behavior and grounds him.

Orabella enjoys playing with Zephne when she is not stealing candy from her.